Sunday Alal

If I could

If I could

If I could...

I would hold the universe in one hand and you in the other,

To unburden your mind of the past, present, and what could.

If I could,

I would trace every ache on you,-

Balm them, and fight the voices that tear you down.

But as we are mortal,

I would sit still,

Besides you.

Sponge some of the worries and fears holding you back.


My beloved

My beloved

My beloved is a wind. My beloved is an art...



This is an ode to those moments when you want to say so much but words only linger in the depths of your mind. Likened to a child, it's as though you are learning to form the words to describe your thoughts, but time flies by before you can...then it's next to the subsequent topic, and all those thoughts sit still at the back of your throat.